API Keys

We use server-side generated API keys to allow you access to our wonderful resources to determine creditworthiness using only your customer's cash flow.

Getting API Keys

Your API keys live within this document:

Sandbox: <<sandboxApiKey>>

Rotating API Keys

Please keep both of these keys secret. If you need to reset your keys or feel as if they have been compromised, please reach out to us at [email protected]

Making Authenticated Requests

When making a request to any route where an API key is required, please add an api_key header with either your sandbox or production token. Here is a JSON example for the axios library:

headers: {
  accept: 'application/json',
  'content-type': 'application/json',
  api_key: <<sandboxApiKey>>

The following routes are protected with API Keys:

  • /score
  • /models